
I'm Back

24 January, 2024 | 2 min read |

Wow its been a long time since I last published a post. I've definetly learned a lot in that time but there is still so much to learn (yay software engineering 🙃) and share.

So why am I back?

Well for one I love to write and I kind of miss having something to write about/for. Writing my older posts was really enjoyable for me and I miss that. Secondly, I want to be held accountable to learn, build, and share things, and what better way than to post a promise to post here.

So whats the plan?

Well I've put together a list of things that I want to either learn, do, or get better at, in no particular order:

  • Mobile development (React-Native)
  • Data structures & algorithms
  • Technical writing
  • I want to create my own open source library (already have an idea for this 👀)
  • System design
  • Performance testing/optimization
  • Accessibility

"Wow thats a big list" - you, one of my amazing readers

You're not wrong this is a big list of things, each item being something I could easily spend an entire year becoming an expert in. Some of these things I will never truly be an expert in but thats ok, our industry moves so fast that there is always something new to learn. But, these things, specifically the data structures & algorithms, technical writing, and system design, are things that I want to improve on as they are key for my career as a software engineer!


Just like everyone else I have a million things going on in my life but I'm going to post at a minimum of once a month (hopefully more ✌🏽 but I think its a good start). In each post I'll reference back to this one and do a mini check-in to see where I am in relation to the list above.

For now thats it but I'll post again in a month (or maybe sooner)!

Live long and prosper 🖖🏽